在这世界上最安全 ,准备齐全的生存游艇受到最佳的保护

The Custom Trimaran 24m





The CustomTrimaran 24m有6个女王大小的客房,有自己的套间,包括淋浴/浴缸,卫生间和贝特。酒店还设有2间双层床的客房,每间可睡4间。在紧急情况下当你需要庇护你的家人和朋友去避免灾难,多达 100 人可以挤在船上,而不会损害游艇的安全和性能。有足够的空间来营救尽可能多的人,满足你的需求。



如果你不能得到新鲜的饮用水,就谈不上什么生存了。大多数人在口渴前不能持续一周以上。The Custom Trimaran配有2个制水器。当漂浮在水的海洋中时,转化为新鲜的饮用水功能让你有无尽的供应水。



如果你有住所,有充足的水,却没东西吃,那么这么谈得上生存呢?饿死,或吃垃圾从垃圾桶或任何地方 寻找食物是无法法生存的也不叫生存。The Custom Trimaran 24m在中央船体的底层有一个巨大的多功能花园。在这里,你可以无限期种植大部分你需要食物。




















像瑞士军刀一样的游艇。 可以在百变条件下和适用于任何环境。



你现在有住所,充足的水和食物,但你也必须有能源。通过太阳能、风能和水发电相结合,所有电力需求都得到满足。锂电池和超级电池(super-caps)的组合用于储能,游艇系统提供 24v 和 240vac 的组合,以满足所有电力需求。



自给自足的可再生能源系统 可以推进电动马达




当你在游艇上,你有帆船的优势,为什么一直使用电机。杨帆航行不花钱一分钱, 而且可以节省电力,有着无限的乐趣。。








在险境中求生存的情况下,陆地上的许多地方都就变得危险。当你住在The Custom Trimaran 24m,你可以拉起锚,很容易的去一个新的和安全的地方。最理想的是你还可以把你的家,食物,水,电力和一切需要的都带上。




如果你住在这片土地上,你会受到任何基于土地上发生的所有问题和麻烦的严重影响。辐射、化学/生物攻击、EMP (电磁脉冲波)、战争和政府控制。当你远离大海时,你将有一个更大的机会来逃避所有这些并生存下来。

除了所有其他生存益处外,The Custom Trimaran 24m 为求生准备的还包括了 EMP9电磁脉冲波)安全区域,以保护电子设备、空气过滤系统,保护您免受任何生物攻击、有毒酸雾和危险污染的空气。

Have you read this?

Excerpts from the CIA classified scientific publication “The Adam & Eve Story” by Chan Thomas 1965.

This document has recently been partially declassified. But after extensive investigation a full copy of the original publication has been located by interested parties.

The document contains scientifically verified information that proves categorically that the earth goes through regular cataclysmic cycles. We are now in the period which began in the year 2000 when the next cataclysm is due. Below, are excerpts that show briefly what will happen at any time. Be aware that when it begins it happens extremely fast, as quoted from the document here.

“The 60-mile thick shell of the earth shifted its position once more in ¼ to ½ a day.”    

As you see there is no time to prepare and all will be lost.

The document reads:

“With the force of a thousand armies the wind attacks, ripping, shredding everything in its supersonic bombardment…. Across the continents the thousand mile-per-hour wind wreaks its unholy vengeance, everywhere, mercilessly, unceasing. Every living thing is ripped into shreds while being blown across the countryside; and the earthquake leaves no place untouched. In many places the earth’s molten sublayer breaks through and spreads a sea of white-hot liquid fire to add to the holocaust”

“Within three hours the fantastic wall of water moves across the continent, burying the wind-ravaged land under two miles of seething water coast-to-coast. In a fraction of a day all vestiges of civilization are gone and the great cities are nothing but legends.”

“The raging waters follow, piling higher and higher, streaming over molten earth-fire, and rising…”

“The raging Atlantic piles higher and higher upon itself, following the screeching wind eastward.”

“Antarctica and Greenland, with their ice caps, now rotate around the earth in the Torrid Zone; and the fury of wind and inundation marches on for six days and nights. During the sixth day the oceans start to settle in their new homes, running off the high grounds.”

“On the seventh day the horrendous rampage is over. The Arctic ice age is ended – and a new stone age begins.”

“The Bay of Bengal basin, just east of India, is now at the North Pole. The Pacific Ocean, just west of Peru, is at the South Pole. Greenland and Antarctica, now rotating equatorially in the Torrid Zone, find their ice caps dissolving madly in the tropical heat.”

“In less than twenty-five years the ice caps are gone, and the oceans around the world rise over two hundred feet with the new-found water.”

“New ice caps begin to form in the new polar areas. Greenland and Antarctica emerge with verdant, tropical foliage. Australia is the new, unexplored continent in the North Temperate Zone, with only a few handfuls of survivors populating its vastness. New York lies at the bottom of the Atlantic, shattered, melted by the earth-fire, and covered by unbelievable amounts of mud. Of San Francisco and Los Angeles, not a trace is left.”

“A new era! Yes the cataclysm has done its work well. The greatest population regulator has done once more for man what he refuses to do for himself, and drives the pitiful few who survive into a new stone age.

Once more the earth has shifted its 60-mile thick shell, with the poles moving almost to the equator in a fraction of a day.”

“After this tumble we join Noah, Adam and Eve, Atlantis, Mu, and Olympus…”


Remember this is a classified document that was kept from the general public's knowledge. No doubt to prevent panic and anarchy. The information is verified and cross referenced globally through all related sciences and its associated data.

Adam & Eve was a cataclysm, Noah was the one that came next but the conclusive proof shows that there have been many before these and there will be many more to come in the future. This is a regular cataclysmic cycle of the earth.

If you are serious that you want to survive any catastrophe, even this, it is obvious staying on the land isn't going to save you and a bomb shelter will become your tomb. What you need is the Custom Trimaran 24m which is designed for survival and gives you the best odds of surviving what could potentially happen right NOW!

You never know, when everyone else has been sent back to the Stone Age, as you survive and live on your Custom Trimaran 24m, you may be the only one on the earth that still has a working modern life. Isn’t that something to consider worthwhile?

Protect your future

While everyone else is fighting for their life on land you will be sailing safely out at sea with everything you need.

Earth Catastrophe, Climate Change, New Ice Age, Heat waves, Tsunamis, Micro-Nova, Mega Earth quakes, Super Volcanoes, Nuclear threat, EMP, Terrorism, War, Chemical/Biological Attack,  Food Shortages and Famine, Disease, Drought, Global Financial depression.

The world is fast becoming an unusually dangerous home. It seems everywhere you turn there are more and more ways we can perish.

How will you survive when any of these happens?

Any survival strategy should include adequate shelter, plenty of water, plenty of food, medicine, and self-defense.

And then the way to continually replenish these things in full safety

The Custom Trimaran 24m Survival Fitout provides all of this plus much more

It’s really the best way to keep your family or loved ones, friends and don’t forget yourself safe and secure in any time of trouble.

Remember that when it comes to survival, don’t take anything for granted because in a crisis it’s every man for themselves and of course nobody cares!

6 Questions you need to ask!

  1. What will you do if, for whatever reason, you can’t buy what you need?
  2. What if there is suddenly no food in the shops or severe rationing.
  3. What if there is suddenly no water in the tap or again severe rationing.
  4. What if currency is no longer accepted?
  5. What if your employment is gone?
  6. What if there are looters with a gun at your front door?

 What will you do to survive?

Owning a Custom Trimaran 24m with Survival Fitout removes the need to worry about any of those questions plus a whole lot more.

6 Strategies the Custom Trimaran 24m takes care of for you

  1. It provides a place that is safe from the elements, looters, war, government and most other catastrophes.
  2. It provides a protected place to grow all the food you need
  3. It makes sure there is always a constant supply of freshwater
  4. It keeps the electricity supply flowing, lights glowing and refrigerator cooling
  5. It can always quickly take you away to where it is safe and better
  6. It gives you a comprehensive set-up that allows you to survive properly

The Survival Fitout is a complete survival package in one 24m Custom built Trimaran

The answer to serious survival

When it comes to survival, you need the right place to do it. But that is very hard to find or even have prepared before anything happens. If you haven’t prepared and you still live in the suburbs or city then it is near hopeless. If you have an underground bunker or a farm then you are a little better off but they still have problems. Being trapped underground in a bunker or locked onto a small farm isn’t the ideal way of surviving when catastrophe strikes.

 What if the location of your farm or bunker becomes too dangerous to work? What if there is nuclear fallout, chemical/biological fallout or some type of warfare close by?

 What if your bunker or farm gets wiped out by an earthquake or a super volcano or is permanently covered by the water of rising oceans?

 What if one of a dozen things happen and completely devastates your area and makes it uninhabitable?

All your best laid plans can quickly go out the window and be wasted because you aren’t in the correct place and situation to survive.

Obviously staying in a city or even a large town will be dangerous. You need a place where you can survive undisturbed and safe.

There are many reasons why pinning all your hopes on surviving in a permanent location is not the ideal survival strategy. It doesn’t matter if you are in a bunker or on a farm.

Don’t make the mistake everyone else makes!

Being locked into one location is certain death.

That’s why early human survivors were wanderers. They could go where the food went, where it was safe, avoid wars and find a new place where it was simply better to live.

The Custom Trimaran 24m with Survival Fitout gives you this freedom and certainty plus much more. The Survival Fitout does all the hard work for you. Everything you need is thought out, planned and packaged neatly into one structurally very strong fibreglass body that won’t rust or rot and will last a life time.

Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive.

Andy grove.

Have you considered this?

Don’t make the common mistake of taking your present lifestyle or modern technology or the security of your countries economy for granted. History has shown us over and over again that it can all vanish in a split second after a disaster. The biggest blunder you can make now is to turn a blind eye to it, or put it off until later or think this can never happen wherever you are now.

The citizens of Pompeii ignored their volcano and its potential danger to them. Otherwise surely they would have moved away?

Keep in mind the numerous collapses and catastrophes that have already happened before throughout all of recorded history.

To get you thinking here is just a very short list of the thousands of things that have happened in the past and can happen again.

  1. 1500 B.C. The complete disappearance of the island of Stroggli from a volcano that eradicated the entire Minoan civilization
  2. 526 A.D. Antioch earthquake and fires. Estimated 250,000 dead
  3. The city of Aleppo complete collapse after an earthquake. 230,000 estimated to have died
  4. 1315–1317. Great European Famine. 7,500,000 people dead.
  5. 1331–1820. Worldwide. Black plague. 100,000,000 people dead approx.
  6. Shaanxi China earthquake and fires. Estimated 830,000 people dead
  7. 1693–1694. French Famine. 1,300,000–1,500,000 people dead.
  8. French revolution due to famine caused by the little ice age climate change.
  9. India cyclone. Estimated 300,000 people dead.
  10. 1846–1849. Great Irish Famine. 1,000,000–1,500,000 people dead.
  11. 1855–1960. Third Pandemic of Bubonic Plague. 12,000,000 people dead.
  12. Haiphong typhoon. Estimated 300,000 people dead.
  13. Yellow River China Flood. Estimated 900,000 people dead.
  14. USA Eastern states heatwave. 9500 people dead.
  15. 1914-1918. WWI. 37,000,000 people dead.
  16. Haiyuan China earthquake. Estimated 273,400 people dead
  17. 1929-1939. Worldwide Great Depression. Intense world economic collapse.
  18. 1934, 1936, and 1939–1940. Dust bowl in America. More than 500,000 Americans left homeless
  19. 1939-1945. WW2. 50-56,000,000 people dead. 19-28,000,000 dead from war-related disease and famine.
  20. 1958–1961. Great Chinese Famine. Estimated 15,000,000–43,000,000 dead.
  21. 1960–present Worldwide. AIDS pandemic. 30,000,000 people dead.
  22. Tangshan China earthquake. 255,000 dead, 700,000 injured.
  23. 1983–1985. Famine in Ethiopia. Estimated well over 400,000 people dead
  24. Chernobyl nuclear disaster Russia. 350,000 people were forcibly resettled. Afterwards "Traces of radioactive deposits unique to Chernobyl were found in nearly every country in the northern hemisphere"
  25. USA Heatwave. 5,000–10,000 people dead.
  26. European Heatwave. 70,000 people dead.
  27. Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. Killed people in 14 separate countries. Estimated at between 230,000 and 280,000 people dead
  28. Haiti earthquake. Estimated 316,000 people dead
  29. Russian heatwave. 56,000 people dead.
  30. Fukushima nuclear disaster Japan. 140,000 residents evacuated. Created a stock market collapse and panic-buying in supermarkets.

In many cases just as many people died after the catastrophe either from fires, famine, disease, or injury as from the actual catastrophe. This is a prime example on being stuck in one location and not being able to move somewhere safer.

“It’s not the strongest species that survived, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change and their environment

Catastrophe is nothing new to mankind!

Don’t make this age old mistake:

“Those who can’t remember the past are destined to repeat it.”

A safe way of life must be fought for and protected and made available for our children and their children. Most of this generation have no idea of any type of self-sufficiency and survival. They all just blindly follow the media to their end and expect that the world owes them a living.

They will pay the ultimate price.

The truth is that with all this connectivity, we have become more disconnected to the world and our survival than ever before in history.

Remember this important fact.


Don’t ignore what could potentially happen like the people of Pompeii did.

Think smart. Identify potential troubles and take steps to become safe from them.

You are the only one who will look after yourself by making the correct decisions.

If something goes wrong it is pointless blaming the government or whatever caused it.

They don’t really care about you or your family. They are no doubt doing everything to look after themselves. Just like you should be.

When a catastrophe happens you will be able to call all your loved ones on board.

While other people are killing each other for food, rummaging through garbage bins or eating dogs, cats or even their children, you will be sailing safely far off shore or on some remote coastline eating your favourite heathy meal in the safety and comfort of your comprehensively set-up home.

Extinction events and historical floods

“The Earth’s magnetic poles are getting ready to flip.”

 Mission manager, SWARM/ESA.

There is much information freely available about poles shift, Earth’s magnetic field weakening, extinction events and historical floods. If you are seriously concerned about your survival, you should already be well informed about these things as they are happening right now and can affect you with drastic consequences at any moment. If you aren’t aware then the following information is just a very quick summary about them and some of their effects. I recommend you do your research as these are a very real and present danger.

The poles are moving away from their original location at an increasing rate. The South Pole has left Antarctica and the North Pole is sprinting across the Arctic Ocean. Magnetic reversals can happen in less than 100 years and can lead to extinction events and may cause biblical floods. The poles are predicted to move to the equator region. This means that the face of the Earth will change quite considerably. The main concern is that the oceans will move to completely new locations. Areas that are now dry land can over a short time become the bottom of the ocean. The only way to stay in the dry is to float on top of the ocean as it relocates somewhere new.

Earth's Magnetic Field Is Weakening 10 Times Faster Now

Earth's magnetic field protects the planet from huge blasts of deadly solar radiation which is deadly to life. In the 1600’s the Earth’s magnetic field started to weaken. From the 1800’s to 2000 it weakened 10%. At first it was weakening by 5% each century, but now it is weakening 5% per decade. From 2014 it is weakening at even a faster speed.

With the increased global use of technology, researchers think power grids and communication systems would be most at risk. In the past 100 or so years, this has already happened on a small scale at various locations around the world and caused small scale disturbances. But this was during a time when power and communications was far smaller and far less complicated than it is now. The same occurrences would cause a far greater and serious problem if they happened now.

One side effect of the weakening is less protection from solar wind. This ties in with the hypothesis called star water. Through a process, water is formed in the outer layers of our atmosphere which eventually falls to Earth. This is how some of our planets water first began. A weaker magnetic field means a larger quantity of water will be formed and then fall to Earth. It is thought that these times of large amounts of water may partially be the reason for the historical great floods.

The only safe place is away from where the most damage can happen. On your Custom Trimaran 24m with Survival Fitout you will be protected from the effects of the mass global power and communication outages. You will have your own power and not be affected by the communication outage.

If another historical flood happens you will be floating safely on top of it with everything you need to survive. It looks like Noah had the right idea to build an Ark.

If you are serious about survival surely the time for deliberation is over. You may have the rest of your life to make decisions and plans but then you may not either. Your survival efforts will never be wasted as scientist and even religion state that something will surely happen, and history has shown you thousands and thousands of time over that it always does and often with devastating consequences.

It’s time for you to take action!

Call now and we will do everything possible to get you safe and secure aboard your own Custom Trimaran 24m with 生存布局

It’s the rock solid foundation to build your survival on.

电话:+61 401 048 666 | 电子邮箱:contact@customfibreglassing.com
